Three stages Class 5 Steam Sterilization Integrator (Chemgrator IV53) Multipameter

To ensure that the steam sterilization process can be performed reliably, there are three parameters that must be controlled. The integrators have been designed to react to all the critical parameters of the steam sterilization cycles: time,…

Class 4 Multiparameter Sterilization Indicator for Formaldehyde (IF04)

To ensure that the sterilization process can be performed in a reliable way, there are three parameters that must be controlled: the concentration of sterilizing gas, the duration of exposure to that gas and the working temperature. The Chemgrator…

Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilization Indicator (IP04)

VH2O2 indicators are developed to react to all Hydrogen Peroxide critical paratemers of sterilization. The change of color of the indicator ink shall only occur in presente of these conditions, thus providing visual evidence immediately after…

Sterilization Multiparameter Indicator Class 4 for Steam (Chemgrator IV04)

The Chemgrator multi-parameter indicators are specially designed to react against all critical parameters of a steam sterilization cycle. The blue color of the indicator turns to black in the presence of these conditions. The Chemgrator class…

Chemgrator Steam Sterilization Emulator class 6 (IV06)

To ensure that the sterilization process can be performed reliably, there are three parameters that must be controlled. Steriliation Emulators are specially designed to react against all critical parameters of a steam sterilization cycle.…

Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Integrator (Chemgrator IE05) Class 5

To ensure that the EO sterilization process can be reliably performed, there are four parameters that must be controlled: concentration of sterilizing gas, relative humidity,  duration of exposure to EO gas and temperature. Chemgrator integrators…

Steam Sterilization Integrator ISO 11140 Class 5 ( IV05) Chemgrator Multiparameter

The Chemgrator Integrators have been designed to react to all critical parameters of the wet heat sterilization cycles: time, temperature and saturated steam. Reactive high-fidelity indicator that fulfills the class 5 requirements of…

Unique-point Steam Sterilization Emulator (ISO 11140 Type 6)

To ensure that the sterilization process can be performed reliably, there are three parameters that must be controlled. Chemgrator emulators are designed to respond to all critical parameters of a steam sterilization cycle: time, temperature…

Multiparameter Sterilization Indicator for Dry Heat (ISO 11140 Class 4)

CHEMGRATOR Dry heat multiparameter indicators are designed to check sterilization process efficiency. The change of color of the multiparameter indicator ink only occurs in presence of the critical parameters of dry heat sterilization cycle…

Steam Sterilization Integrator ISO 11140 TYPE V (IVDU Integration Point)

Many of us are familiar with the term relative humidity by looking at the weather report. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor expressed as a percentage of the total that the atmosphere can have at a given temperature. The higher the…