Labeling Machine for sterilization labels
Safety and Equipment, Sterilization indicatorProper preparation, conditioning and subsequent packing of the material to be sterilized are indispensable tasks that take great dedication and time to the sterilization staff. In order to make the tasks of preparation and identification of…

Sterilization Indicator Tapes
Sterilization indicatorIn full agreement with present running time when reliance appears to be highly essential, we have developed safety and efficient chemical indicators for different sterilization processes: Ethylene Oxide, Steam and Dry Heat. Indicator tapes…

Sterilization Indicator Strips
Sterilization indicatorSterilization Indicator Strips are used to indentify several packages or materials to be sterilized. EFELAB stips are printed with a high-performance sterilization indicator ink that changes its colour after being exposed to adecuate conditions…

Sterilization Indicator Labels
Sterilization indicatorSterilization Indicator labels are used to indentify several packages or materials to be sterilized. Labeler machines can be used with these labels making their application faster and easier. Should you need to make your labours rapidly, this…

Class 4 Multiparameter Sterilization Indicator for Formaldehyde (IF04)
Sterilization indicator, Sterilization IntegratorTo ensure that the sterilization process can be performed in a reliable way, there are three parameters that must be controlled: the concentration of sterilizing gas, the duration of exposure to that gas and the working temperature. The Chemgrator…

Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilization Indicator (IP04)
Sterilization indicator, Sterilization IntegratorVH2O2 indicators are developed to react to all Hydrogen Peroxide critical paratemers of sterilization. The change of color of the indicator ink shall only occur in presente of these conditions, thus providing visual evidence immediately after…

Sterilization Multiparameter Indicator Class 4 for Steam (Chemgrator IV04)
Sterilization indicator, Sterilization IntegratorThe Chemgrator multi-parameter indicators are specially designed to react against all critical parameters of a steam sterilization cycle. The blue color of the indicator turns to black in the presence of these conditions. The Chemgrator class…

Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Integrator (Chemgrator IE05) Class 5
Sterilization indicator, Sterilization IntegratorTo ensure that the EO sterilization process can be reliably performed, there are four parameters that must be controlled: concentration of sterilizing gas, relative humidity, duration of exposure to EO gas and temperature. Chemgrator integrators…

Steam Sterilization Integrator ISO 11140 Class 5 ( IV05) Chemgrator Multiparameter
Sterilization indicator, Sterilization IntegratorThe Chemgrator Integrators have been designed to react to all critical parameters of the wet heat sterilization cycles: time, temperature and saturated steam. Reactive high-fidelity indicator that fulfills the class 5 requirements of…

Bowie Dick Test Pack (TP01)
Sterilization indicatorBowie-Dick test packs are specifically designed for daily monitoring of vacuum-pump-assisted steam sterilizers and pre-vacuum cycles. It detects leaks, inadequate steam penetration, air bubbles and malfunction or failure in the vacuum-pump. Main…